Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

July 26

Comments: 2

Mailbox Monday: The Goodies Keep Coming

by Ann-Katrina

It’s been ages since I’ve done a Mailbox Monday post, but it seems fitting since I got a couple more titles over the weekend. (This entire week has been a good one for books.)

darwin-conspiracy The Darwin Conspiracy by John Darton, which I won over at Fyrefly’s Book Blog in celebration of Nicki’s brand new doctoral degree. She says it’s a good read (and I believe her), so here’s crossing my finger and hoping for the best.

emma-vampires Then there’s Emma and the Vampires by Jane Austen (of course) and Wayne Josephson which arrived courtesy of Sourcebooks, Inc.

But I have a tiny confession to make: I’ve been so entranced by Pride & Prejudice that I’ve been unable to move on from it and have not yet read Emma. I’ll add that to my reading schedule this weekend so I have something by which to gauge this new title.

On another note, I have this odd feeling that I’m forgetting something. I’m sure it will eventually come to me. When it does (if it does), then I’ll update. ‘Til then, whaddya get?

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