Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

April 10

Comments: 5

#Pantyworthy Author Mini Challenge

by Ann-Katrina

This challenge was so cute I couldn’t pass it up. First, I should start by mentioning that I have read many, many #pantyworthy authors. And I’m going to shock a few people by not throwing my Team Jacob panties at Stephenie Meyer. (I know, gasp!)

That out of the way, I’ll say that the two authors I chose were based solely on their position within my stacks—in other words, they were the first two that I could find that made me *squee* when I touched their books. So…

daniel-waters-pantyworthy Generation Dead by Daniel Waters

Oh goodness, where to begin with this one? You know what, I’m not even going to try and explain, I’m just going to say: Twilight with zombies. And it’s hilarious. ‘Nuff said.

As far as the type of panty I’d throw his way? The pink argyle Vicky’s. I believe it’s only fitting.

jack-kilborn-pantyworthy-2 Afraid by Jack Kilborn

Although this book is a relentless killfest with some ultra-depraved bad guys, it’s what made him #pantyworthy. This book kept the tension high and my interest piqued and my stomach turning—all good things if you write a book such as this one. Plus, he’s super funny to boot.

And for his panty selection, definitely the black boy-cut Vicky’s with the pink lace trim. No question.

(I planned to draw the panties on the books, but then I looked at the clock and decided it would be best to use actual photos as my visual aides. Maybe after the read-a-thon is finished I’ll do some for the other #pantyworthy authors.)

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April 10

Comments: 4

Read-a-Thon Update 2: Sister Light, Sister Dark

by Ann-Katrina

Looking at the clock, I can’t help but remark that I’m moving along at a snail’s pace…but I’m OK with that; I just remind myself this isn’t a race, I’m in this thing to have fun.

Sister Light, Sister Dark But pushing forward, I wanted to take a moment to dispense some notes on Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen.

First impressions: This book is far more feral than I expected; it’s certainly for mature young readers or those who have an adult to discuss it with afterward. It’s also written in a distinctive style that I’m not certain whether I like or dislike. Don’t get me wrong, the prose is excellent, it’s more about how the sections are divided.

It’s the story of a child destined for greatness and the legend surrounding her, but it’s interrupted by scholarly sections which are analysing or expounding on the story’s progression, thereby hampering (my) reading. It’s difficult to explain without giving an example (which will have to wait until I have time to put together a proper post on it). Just think of it like a text book in a certain sense.

Right now, I’m moving on to Siberia by Ann Halam and I hope it’s more straightforward in its writing.

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April 10

Comments: 5

Title Sentence Read-a-Thon Mini Challenge

by Ann-Katrina

I couldn’t pass up this fun little challenge hosted by Bart’s Bookshelf. The idea is to take 3 or 4 books from your bookshelves and create a sentence out of the titles. My entry, pulled together in 5 minutes flat…

Bookshelf Mini Challenge

The Search For Delicious New Skies Shiver The Sea of Monsters.

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April 10

Comments: 4

First Official Read-a-Thon Update. Sort Of.

by Ann-Katrina

Ideal read-a-thon conditions

This blogging style was shamelessly stolen from an homage to K. Marie Criddle. (If you have not yet visited the awesome that is her blog, you should really do so ASAP.)

I’m making my way through Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen and will do another update when finished. Now I plan to stretch my legs a little and see how everyone else is doing.

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April 9

Comments: 9

24 Hr Read-a-Thon (Spring 2010) Book Pool

by Ann-Katrina

This week has been a crazy one, which is why the 24 hour read-a-thon almost passed me by. *sigh* But, I discovered my mistake just in time to sign up and get a book pool together.

Book Pool 1

Title Author Genre
Siberia Ann Halam Children’s Fantasy/Dystopian Future
New Skies Patrick Nielsen Hayden Children’s Sci-Fi/Short Stories
Sister Light, Sister Dark Jane Yolen Children’s Fantasy
New Magics Patrick Nielsen Hayden Children’s Fantasy/Short Stories
Puppet Master Joanne Owen Children’s Dark Fantasy
The Fallen (Book 1) Thomas E. Sniegoski Young Adult Supernatural

I went on a minor book binge yesterday (the above was the result, except Puppet Master) and I figured it would be fitting to include them as potential read-a-thon reads.

Then there are the books which I have started but have not yet finished for one reason or another; I believe it’s about time I did so.

Book Pool 2

Title Author Genre
Fallen Lauren Kate Young Adult Supernatural
Morpheus Road: The Light D. J. MacHale Young Adult Supernatural
White Cat (Curse Workers Book 1) Holly Black Young Adult Supernatural
Ash Malinda Lo Young Adult Fantasy
Bird in Hand Christina Baker Kline Adult Drama/Literary Fiction

There you have it. This time around, I decided to keep the book pool relatively small so I don’t become befuddled by all the choices. Now, I’m going to read through the previous 24 hr read-a-thon update posts to see if I can garner some tips.

And tonight I plan to turn in early so I can wake up bright and early and warm up. (*squee* I’m starting to get all excited!)

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