Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

July 29

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Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher

by Ann-Katrina

Stolen Cover

Title: Stolen
Author: Lucy Christopher
ISBN: 978-0-5451-7093-2
Story Length: 304 pages
Genre: Young Adult Drama

Three Quick Points About Stolen

  • Point 1: Slow. No, that’s not right. In fact, a new word needs to be coined because “slow” (and all its various synonyms) is inadequate.
  • Point 2: The camel won. It was the only character that felt genuine. Ty came close, but meh. Let’s not start on Gemma.
  • Point 3: A twisted love story. Still, it was an interesting take on the evolution of Stockholm syndrome.

Short Synopsis of Stolen

Sixteen year old Gemma Toombs is stolen from the Bangkok airport and brought to Middle of Nowhere, Australia by a man named Ty. During her captivity, Ty explains how they’ll have a perfect life together away from the evils of the city. Gemma protests, and then after a late-night epiphany, she decides that Ty is only marginally insane and falls in love. Unfortunately, theirs is a complicated love and it comes with its own set of problems.

My Thoughts on Stolen

Let me say up front: This is a hard review for me to write. I wanted so much to love Stolen. So much. But, oh sweet Mother of All Things Good, the writing was bad. (Typing that broke my heart a little, but it needed to come out.)

For me, how a story is told is just as important as the story itself—sometimes more so. Stolen is told in the 2nd person POV as a letter from Gemma to Ty, which can be an amazing style if done right. In this book, however, the narrative was more arid than the desert landscape it depicted; it meandered and drifted between various shades of lavender to purple. And at the end a justification was offered for the narrative choice, but it didn’t redeem the book, not one iota.

Of all the characters, I only cared about the camel. It was the only one who felt genuine. When she was left behind, I almost cried…almost. And if you force me to pick a human character to like, it would be Ty (yes, the mentally unstable kidnapper) because the only emotion Gemma ignited in me was apathy. I wanted to feel for her, and right when I thought I would, the writing got in the way

Ultimately Stolen is a powerful story drowned by stodgy writing and though it may seem like it, I didn’t hate this book; I just wish it were written differently.

Rating: Save Your Money [D+] (?)

Comments on Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher

  1. # She wrote on July 29, 2010 at 6:54 pm:

    Oh no : ( It sounded so good, too! Shame on the bad writing.
    .-= She´s last blog ..And a winner is chosen =-.

  2. # Patty wrote on July 30, 2010 at 3:32 pm:

    It is so hard to write a review when you do not like a book…but you did a great job of finding some good points…esp…the camel!!!
    .-= Patty´s last blog ..Steamy Summer Reading =-.

  3. # Ann-Kat wrote on July 31, 2010 at 6:52 pm:

    She, thank you for the condolences. Yes, shame on bad writing. Boo hiss and all that.

  4. # Ann-Kat wrote on July 31, 2010 at 6:54 pm:

    Patty, truer words were never spoken. I wanted to give this book a great review, especially with all the glowing reviews it already has floating around. To be honest I felt like a freak of nature writing this review. LOL

    But, you’re right, at least there were some good points…er…one good point. The whole camel thing was ingenious. The entire story, really. The writing is what killed it for me though.

  5. # christina wrote on August 3, 2010 at 9:35 am:

    I love how you wrote this review!
    .-= christina´s last blog ..TSS- Short Stories =-.

  6. # Ann-Kat wrote on August 3, 2010 at 12:11 pm:

    Thanks Christina. :)

  7. # Book Notes: Stolen by Lucy Christopher wrote on August 5, 2010 at 4:31 pm:

    [...] Update July 29, 2010: I’ve finally finished reading the book and have posted my review. [...]

  8. # mandy wrote on January 13, 2011 at 8:29 pm:

    how can u think it has bad writing?!? I absolutely loved it! one of my favorite books <3

  9. # Ann-Kat wrote on January 13, 2011 at 9:39 pm:

    Because everyone can have an opinion and I found the writing style to be quite slow and torturous. :)

    I’ll admit that the story was good, I just couldn’t get past the writing style.

    Glad you loved it though!

  10. # Hannah wrote on April 4, 2011 at 3:29 pm:

    Im about to start reading this book as an independent read in my English III class. I have a really hard time paying attention and it takes a really good book to catch my attention well enough to even know what is going on in the story. Im a little concerned that Im going to have to end up reading reviews rather than the book in order to write my final paper.

  11. # Alex wrote on April 6, 2011 at 9:41 pm:

    I read this book for a book project and it was sooooo hard to finish. i loved the beginning and the end but it seemed like it was to drawn out. I almost cried at the end because i could feel the love between them. i made the mistake of buying the book when truly i dont think i could ever read the whole thing again. i agree that i wanted to love it but i didnt. I suggest the book living dead girl, its got a similar story line but its like 1000 times better

  12. # Ashley wrote on April 21, 2011 at 2:39 pm:

    I so love your book Stolen(: I’m reading it now for the millionth time(: Thanks for the great book Lucy keep up the great work you do on your books! God Bless You(:

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