Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

April 10

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#Pantyworthy Author Mini Challenge

by Ann-Katrina

This challenge was so cute I couldn’t pass it up. First, I should start by mentioning that I have read many, many #pantyworthy authors. And I’m going to shock a few people by not throwing my Team Jacob panties at Stephenie Meyer. (I know, gasp!)

That out of the way, I’ll say that the two authors I chose were based solely on their position within my stacks—in other words, they were the first two that I could find that made me *squee* when I touched their books. So…

daniel-waters-pantyworthy Generation Dead by Daniel Waters

Oh goodness, where to begin with this one? You know what, I’m not even going to try and explain, I’m just going to say: Twilight with zombies. And it’s hilarious. ‘Nuff said.

As far as the type of panty I’d throw his way? The pink argyle Vicky’s. I believe it’s only fitting.

jack-kilborn-pantyworthy-2 Afraid by Jack Kilborn

Although this book is a relentless killfest with some ultra-depraved bad guys, it’s what made him #pantyworthy. This book kept the tension high and my interest piqued and my stomach turning—all good things if you write a book such as this one. Plus, he’s super funny to boot.

And for his panty selection, definitely the black boy-cut Vicky’s with the pink lace trim. No question.

(I planned to draw the panties on the books, but then I looked at the clock and decided it would be best to use actual photos as my visual aides. Maybe after the read-a-thon is finished I’ll do some for the other #pantyworthy authors.)

Comments on #Pantyworthy Author Mini Challenge

  1. # Lenore wrote on April 10, 2010 at 5:25 pm:

    OMG! I love that the books are posing with panties!
    .-= Lenore´s last blog ..Book Bloggers Behaving Badly: Are YOU on an Author’s “Hate List”? =-.

  2. # Ann-Kat wrote on April 10, 2010 at 7:06 pm:

    Thanks, Lenore. I figured it would be fitting since visual aides were called for. :D

  3. # SavvyVerse&Wit wrote on April 10, 2010 at 7:27 pm:

    Looks like you are making great headway
    Keep up the reading, don’t let that head sway
    Eyes on the page and coffee in hand
    You’ll be entering a new land.

    .-= SavvyVerse&Wit´s last blog ..Winner of Winter Garden =-.

  4. # Rebecca @ The Book Lady's Blog wrote on April 10, 2010 at 9:12 pm:

    This is so much fun! I love that the books are wearing the panties. Awesome.
    .-= Rebecca @ The Book Lady’s Blog´s last blog ..Presenting the #Pantyworthy Readathon Mini-Challenge =-.

  5. # Sheila (Bookjourney) wrote on April 10, 2010 at 9:37 pm:

    The panty covered books are really funny and creative! Good to see you still going strong!
    .-= Sheila (Bookjourney)´s last blog ..Readathon Mini Challenge :Kick Off (post 3) =-.

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