Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

November 2

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NaNo Board Almost Complete, or NaNoWrimo Day 2

by Ann-Katrina

Going into the second day of NaNoWriMo, I have just shy of 2,000 words complete (and by the end of the day, that total should jump to just shy of 4000—I hope).

The NaNo board still isn’t complete; it’s only halfway done, but I figured I might as well post up a progress report.

Unfinished NaNoWriMo Board

In case you’re wondering, yes those are pictures of Paul Walker. I was watching Into the Blue the other day and all of a sudden, I jumped up and screamed, “OMG! It’s Rick! It’s Rick!”

Of course, now my craziness is showing, but to explain, Rick Dawson is one of the main characters in my NaNoWriMo novel and he goes through many, many changes in the story; I needed someone who could visually pull it off. Paul Walker goes from a sweet pretty boy (upper left corner) to a gritty bad boy (bottom right corner) just like my MC.


Unfortunately, I still haven’t found the perfect visual example of my leading lady and I’m afraid I may have to break down and draw her, but I’m keeping hope alive. (If you know of any young biracial models or actresses, please let me know.)

In the center of the NaNo board, I have the calendar that I printed from deviantART and colored in with water colors.

NaNo Board Calendar

To its left is my Magna Carta I, all the things I like in a novel, and to its right is the Magna Carta II, all the things I dislike in a novel.

Magna Carta IMagna Carta II

I still need to include the mind map cloud thing because it would be much easier to look up at the board for reference rather than dig through my notebook. Goodness willing I’ll get that finished and glued on there this afternoon.

All right, since this is technically my book blog, I’m going to return it to discussions on books and reading. I’ll continue my NaNoWriMo ramblings over at Today, I Wrote…. The goal is to update every other day or so, but at very least, once a week.

(P.S. This is also the reason there was no Sunday Sketch yesterday.)

Comments on NaNo Board Almost Complete, or NaNoWrimo Day 2

  1. # Rowena wrote on November 2, 2009 at 6:10 pm:

    Oh wow, what an awesome story board. I’m so jealous, I don’t have the patience to do something like that but wow, talk about inspiration! Paul Walker is a great person to use as a muse for a character. He’s so yummy!

    Again, good luck!
    .-= Rowena´s last blog ..Bluetooths. =-.

  2. # Lorielle wrote on November 2, 2009 at 9:35 pm:

    I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year, too. My first time. I have one novel that I’ve been writing for a little while. There are about 25K words. But to be fair, I started writing a new one yesterday for the NaNo… I’m just a smidge over 9K.

    You are so very creative! And Paul Walker is a babe!

    Good luck!
    .-= Lorielle´s last blog ..Friday 56 =-.

  3. # Ann-Kat wrote on November 3, 2009 at 1:46 pm:

    Thank you ladies. Paul Walker is definitely some delicious eye candy. :D

    Rowena, it looks like you’re still blazing along. Nice.

    Lorielle, welcome to NaNo. This is my 4th year. The first year I didn’t even start (LOL), the second year, I started by did not finish, and finally last year I finished but only barely. The point of that whole long confession was…so far you’re already kicking my butt!! You are doing a fantastic job and I hope you keep it up.

  4. # Belle wrote on November 4, 2009 at 6:35 pm:

    I love all this visual goodness! I spent all of October thinking about creating character collages but never got around to actually doing it (thank goodness I’m a lot better when it comes to sitting down and writing than I am when it comes to sitting down and, um, art-ing.)
    .-= Belle´s last blog ..Completed: The Harry Potter Challenge! =-.

  5. # Kathrin wrote on November 4, 2009 at 6:44 pm:

    I believe in you! You can do NaNo :-)

    And I absolutely love your NaNo board and the pictures you posted. Eye candy :-P
    .-= Kathrin´s last blog ..winter reading recommendations, anyone? =-.

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