Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

November 30

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Teaser Tuesdays: One Miracle at a Time…

by Ann-Katrina

Teaser Tuesdays Happy Tuesday! It’s time again for another edition of Teaser Tuesdays…

Here are the rules:

  • Grab your current read
  • Let the book fall open to a random page
  • Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • You also need to share the title of the book where you get your teaser from…that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given
  • Please avoid spoilers

Miracle Stealer cover This week’s teaser:

“And now that this threat had returned, I sure wasn’t going to make the same mistake. Sitting in that Adirondack chair, keeping one eye out for the Scarecrow with a bat across my lap, I imagined next Sunday and that special prayer service Volpe had arranged.” pg. 81 The Miracle Stealer by Neil Connelly

I’m a bit shy of the halfway point and this book has me intrigued. It’s not what I expected. To be truthful, I’m not sure what I expected from it. And when I first started reading, I thought maybe it would have a supernatural element, but now I’m not so sure. So far, it’s clear that there are some insanely religious characters, a boy who’s possibly been blessed with miraculously healing hands, and a sister who wants to protect him. At first, I thought it might be Christian fiction, but the more I read, the more I question. Frankly I have no idea what to expect from this book and so far, that’s a good thing.

Comments on Teaser Tuesdays: One Miracle at a Time…

  1. # Laurel-Rain Snow wrote on November 30, 2010 at 7:14 pm:

    This does sound intriguing…now I’m really curious.

    .-= Laurel-Rain Snow´s last blog ..TEASER TUESDAYS — NOV 30 =-.

  2. # Sophie wrote on November 30, 2010 at 7:47 pm:

    That is such a weird teaser– in that, I would have to read it now to understand what in the world is going on!

    Here’s mine

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