Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

April 15

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Alas Poor Bookmark, I Knew It Well (or The Evolution of Index Cards)

by Ann-Katrina

Sometime last year, I came across an interesting kit which contained bookmarks, a reading diary, and some other interesting bits. I don’t remember the name of it, and I’m kicking myself in the head because I should have written it down, but it was the bookmarks which caught my attention.

These weren’t any old bookmarks. They were special. They had a section to write the title of the book and its author along with some basic information.

Looking back over the books I’d read through the years, I realized having that information on a bookmark would come in handy. However, I didn’t really need everything else that came with them, so I devised a plan to use index cards to jot down notes while reading. That’s what I call the dark ages of my reading system.

The index cards were haphazard and unorganized and sometimes lacking vital information about the book I’d read. But through experimentation, I found the index card bookmarking system that works well for me.

Index Card Holder

My Index Card Layout

Index Card Spread
(I wasn’t lying when I said I have tiny handwriting and it only gets tinier the faster I write.)

I’m sure it will evolve over time and through more experimentation, but in the meantime this works. Now I just need to invest in some decorative index cards or maybe design a printable template because I truly miss the cuteness of traditional bookmarks.

(BTW, if anyone is interested in a printable template, let me know because I may decide to make it available as a download.)

What system, if any, do you use while reading? And if, by chance, you know or have an idea of the bookmarking kit that I was talking about at the beginning of this post, please let me know. Thanks!

Comments on Alas Poor Bookmark, I Knew It Well (or The Evolution of Index Cards)

  1. # Kate wrote on April 15, 2010 at 10:39 pm:

    That is a really interesting system. I just have a pretty notebook that I write all my information in.

  2. # Ann-Kat wrote on April 16, 2010 at 7:57 pm:

    I love pretty notebooks. ^_^

    I actually use a notebook alongside this system, but it’s where I write out the full synopsis of the books I finish reading. (Now that I’ve typed that out, I realize how anal retentive I must sound.)

  3. # Stephanie wrote on April 19, 2010 at 10:25 am:

    What an interesting idea! I would love to incorporate something like this into my reading but I think I lack organizational skills. For a while I was using post-it tabs to mark and good passages in books I was reading, but as far as keeping track of the books I read, I do it solely on my book blog. Probably not the most reliable and efficient way, but I haven’t found a system yet that works for me.

  4. # Melissa wrote on April 20, 2010 at 3:56 pm:

    This would make a great reference tool. When you need to find info on a specific book, it’d be so easy!
    .-= Melissa´s last blog ..Book List: 3 Favorite Eras To Read About =-.

  5. # stacy - wrote on April 29, 2010 at 3:28 pm:

    I am a mess with paper, so I use my blog but I am very fond of Goodreads.

    As far as notes while I read…post it notes, or I just write in the book…but mostly I forget to do either of those things because I am too busy reading.
    .-= stacy –´s last blog ..Book Review: Way Out West on My Little Pony by Jan Peck =-.

  6. # The Girl from the Ghetto wrote on May 9, 2010 at 3:50 am:

    I have no system, and it is utter madness, lol. I love yours, though!

  7. # Ann-Kat wrote on May 14, 2010 at 10:06 pm:

    For a while, I had no system either, but so far, the index card thing appears to be working out. :D

  8. # Rachel R. wrote on February 28, 2011 at 9:58 am:

    Are these what you saw?|Level=2-3|pageid=7842

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