Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

February 4

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Open Letter to Google (Specifically Blogger)

by Ann-Katrina

Dear Google (or Blogger, whichever you prefer),

Please fix your commenting system already.

Quite a few of the blogs I enjoy reading and interacting with use Blogger and that’s not my problem. My problem comes when I decide I’d like to leave a comment, but cannot because of that nifty new JavaScript commenting box you’ve set up.

“Why?” you ask.

Because, for some reason, whenever I try to comment using my primary browser, Firefox, the comment does not get posted and to make things worse, the entire comment which I may have spent a good ten minutes writing is entirely gone–poof–into internet never-never-land.

As a result, I’m forced to open up the page in Internet Explorer, which is an annoying extra step in the process of interacting with other wonderful bloggers out there, and hit the Publish button twice because the first time bounces back an error telling me there was some sort of technical problem which should have been fixed long before you even rolled out with your new-fangled commenting system.

This unnecessary step puzzles me greatly because Google has been one of Firefox’s largest proponents, promoting the Firefox movement and even creating a custom Firefox Google search page and all that. So, why then, would you not even test your new system using Firefox before rolling it out? *sigh*

If it seems as though I’m slightly annoyed by this, it’s because I am, but I’m holding back and before I stop, let me wrap up this letter by simply restating: please fix your commenting system already.

That is all.

Thank you.


P.S. I also wanted to add that it’s seriously BAD USABILITY when you don’t have a back-up option for people roaming the internet without JavaScript enabled, or for those who simply turn it off to get around dealing with your wonky comment system in the first place. Thought you should know.

Comments on Open Letter to Google (Specifically Blogger)

  1. # Brie wrote on February 4, 2009 at 8:51 pm:

    Oh no! I thought that blogger had fixed the problem with their commenting system so that it worked with Firefox. I mostly use Firefox, and haven’t come across any problems commenting, but I could be a rare exception. Or could it have something to do with my JavaScript settings? I’m not very computer tech savvy, so I have no idea.

    I do find it strange that Blogger/Google(s)commenting system isn’t Firefox friendly, for all of the reason’s you have stated above.

  2. # Jenners wrote on February 4, 2009 at 10:03 pm:

    What are you doing — roaming around the Internet without your Java Script enabled? That is so dangerous! You must be more careful!

    On behalf of Blogger bloggers, I apologize although I don’t really understand the specifics of what you are saying. To be honest, I wish I had gone with WordPress but I didn’t know about it when I started blogging.

  3. # Ann-Kat wrote on February 5, 2009 at 12:52 am:

    Actually, Jenners, I deliberately disabled JavaScript trying to see if I could circumvent the comment form and get a plain HTML one instead and as for roaming around, with JavaScript can be more dangerous than without.

    And you truly don’t need to apologize; it’s not the bloggers’ faults, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway. :D

    Brie, you might not have experienced the problem because you may have been logged into the Blogger system while commenting. The problem only happens when I elect to use the Name/URL combination, but don’t have a problem when I’m actually logged into Blogger…but since I don’t use it to blog, it seems a little silly to have it link to my profile page rather than my actual blog. LOL

    One day it will be fixed, I’m sure. The real question is when. :D

  4. # Jace wrote on February 5, 2009 at 1:27 am:

    Oh, so this is why you haven’t been commenting at my blog, eh? :D

    Seriously, this is extremely annoying. I’m sorry you’re being put through this tedious process. Thank you for sharing this issue with us.

    I use Firefox as well, but didn’t encounter any problem when commenting. But then, like you said, I was logged into Blogger already so perhaps that was why I had no problem.

    I hope this issue gets fixed soon!

  5. # Ann-Kat wrote on February 5, 2009 at 12:19 pm:

    Actually Jace, I believe your blog isn’t using the new JavaScript comment feature so there’s no problem commenting there. I’ve just been seriously dropping the ball lately, but I’m getting caught up now.

    (For those who are still baffled by my note, it’s the comment box with the drop down list of options. I know Brie uses it, and also Steph at Reviewer X–Steph even has a courtesy note explaining that you need to click twice. LOL)

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