Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

March 19

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Currently Reading: Madapple by Christina Meldrum (Part 1)

by Ann-Katrina

Madapple by Christina Meldrum - Book Cover I’ve had this book on my shelf for going on well over two years now. I’m not entirely sure why I decided now would be the right time to read it–especially since I have several other books waiting to be read. But one evening as I was drifting off to sleep, I remembered the cover. The image just flashed through my mind and I tried desperately to remember the title of the book. It was bugging me no end so I finally decided to get up and look for it. Once I found it, I slipped it from it’s dusty slot and tossed it onto the bed before climbing in. I pried open the pages and before I realized it, the clock said "an hour past your bed time" and I was rounding page one hundred. And get this: I wasn’t ready to stop reading.

I’d started reading the book once before, but put it down once I’d gotten to page five or six. It just didn’t grab my interest at the time. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right place (mentally) for it, and now maybe I am. So far, it alternates between the past and present: the past is from Auslag’s point of view of the events unfolding before her, and the (relative) present is the transcript from an ongoing court case in which Auslag is charged with murder and attempted murder.

To back up a bit, the first chapter of the book is entirely cryptic and taken out of context, isn’t really a good indicator of what’s in store for the rest of the book (so far). In fact, don’t really like the first chapter, but I’m certain it plays a pivotal role in the unfolding events.

As far as character development goes, it’s fascinating. I’ll admit I’m not entirely sold on the relationship/interaction between Auslag and her mother, there are definitely so moving moments and the characters are so delightfully broken and raw that I can’t help viewing them as real people most of the time. There were a few moments where I had to stop and scratch my head and say, “um, that doesn’t quite fit” but for the most part, the story is flowing and I’m itching to find out what happens next.

For those who aren’t already familiar with this book, I’ll sum it up so far: Auslag is a bastard child (true definition, not the one used when we’re pissed off). Auslag doesn’t know who her father is and has absolutely no sense of self because—get this—her mother kept her sheltered away from the real world. They survive by foraging and very rarely do they venture into the city…and when they do, Auslag is kept under lock and key by her mother. Then everything takes a heinous turn when Auslag wakes up and discovers her mother’s dead body.

The writing style takes a bit of getting used to, but other than that, smooth reading. This looks like it’s going to be one of those books I’ll recommend—that is, if the middle and end are just as engrossing as the beginning has been.

CONTINUE: Part 2, Part 3

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