Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

January 22

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Guest Post by Alexandra Bullen, Author of Wish

by Ann-Katrina

WishThis is a very exciting day, indeed. This is my first official author guest post here at Today, I Read… and I’m happy to say that it’s Alexandra Bullen, author of Wish, which is available now.

(By the way, if you haven’t yet entered the giveaway to win an autographed copy–I suggest you do so soon!)

Anyhoo, without any further ado, here’s Alexandra’s guest post…

(I asked if she’d be willing to discuss the fairy godmother aspect)

Alexandra BullenWhen I first starting playing around with the idea for Wish, the character of Posey played a much bigger role. In fact, there was a time I thought that the chapters would alternate being told from Posey’s and Olivia’s perspectives, and that the story would be about how the two girls helped each other overcome their losses in meaningful ways.

Over time, Olivia’s story really stole the show, and while I think that this was definitely what had to happen for the book, I do miss Posey once in a while. I love the idea of a fairy godmother who has a mysterious back-story of her own, and who is just as confused and overwhelmed by her own magical powers as are those she is able to help.

Posey is not your typical fairy godmother, in the sense that she’s kind of a brat, and she has a lot of her own opinions on things. She’s not there for everyone—only people who really need her—and she is serious about the rules she sets for wishing.

But in many ways, Posey is similar to traditional, Cinderella-type fairy godmothers, in that she truly wants what’s best for her “clients” and does whatever she can to help them get to where she thinks they need to be.

Even though we don’t spend that much time with Posey in the book, I hope that readers will find her intriguing. And I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of her and her mysterious shop, someday soon. ;)

Thanks Alexandra! If you want more of her, then be sure to drop by Sharon Loves Books and Cats (so do I, Sharon!) which is the next stop on her tour and in the meantime, you can visit the official Wish website, follow her on Twitter, or check out her blog.

Comments on Guest Post by Alexandra Bullen, Author of Wish

  1. # Arielle wrote on January 24, 2010 at 8:48 am:

    Congrats on your first author post, that was fun to read :-D
    .-= Arielle´s last blog ..Review: A Prayer for Owen Meany =-.

  2. # Ann-Kat wrote on January 25, 2010 at 6:29 pm:

    Thanks Arielle. I hope I have many more (and that all are as equally fun to read).

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