My name is Ann-Katrina.
Today, I Read... is where I discuss my reading adventures. Consuming books for a living would be a welcome luxury, but for now consuming books remains a cherished pastime.
My reading tastes are diverse and eclectic (borderline eccentric, some would say), ranging from children to young adult to adult, fiction and non-fiction, with a soft spot for the supernatural, paranormal, and fantasy.
I try not to list favorite authors because I find authors all the time whose words sing to me, but if pressed, I would list Stephen King, John Saul, Anne Rice, and Dean Koontz (from my old-school camp*) and Patricia Briggs, J.K. Rowling, and Peter S. Beagle (from my new-school camp*). Now, don't be deceived by that list; there are plenty of authors whom I've read and loved over the years and if you're an author reading this, who knows, maybe you'll be next on the list.
The book reviews you find here and personal, independent, and always honest. You and I may not agree on the merits of a book . What I find detestable, you may find delectable, so the only way to know whether our reading tastes are in sync is to read through a few of the archives and see if we've enjoyed the same books. (One of these days, I'll write a full page on how and why I rate books the way I do, but that's a project for later.)
When my head isn't tucked in a book or my eyes aren't glued to the computer screen, I can usually be found watching television, listening to music, writing, dancing, or drawing.
Now to finish up with a seemingly random question:
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a continually improving version of myself.
To get in touch, feel free to drop me an email at todayiread [at] gmail.com or leave a comment on the blog.
* The authors themselves are not old-school or new-school, but the reference is about when I began reading their works. Old-school contains the authors I spent most of my youth reading and new-school contains the authors I'd like to spend more time reading now. For reference, I love the old-school and new-school authors equally and would still prefer to read them equally.
For the terminally curious

Nothing to see here...yet.
It's really late (or early depending on how you look at it) where I'm located and to put it plainly, I'm too tired to put the about page up right now.
I'll do it later. Promise.