Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

October 25

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24 Hr Read-a-Thon: Update #3

by Ann-Katrina

It’s just into the 23rd hour of the read-a-thon and I gotta admit I’m starting to feel The Sleepiesâ„¢ despite my best efforts involving chocolate ice cream, Cherry Coke Zero, and 5 Hr Energy. It doesn’t help that my reading partner was zoning out on me…until, that is, she finally threw in the towel. There she is waving me good night. Traitor.

Good Night, Ma!As I mentioned in my last update post, I decided to move onto Soulless by Christopher Golden as my next read. It’s not a long novel, but doesn’t truly count as a short one either. And I wish I could say that it’s as engrossing as my previous read, but don’t get me wrong, it is a good read so far.

Soulless Cover It started off with a mass seance. Basically, three mediums go on a morning news show to demonstrate their gifts and to allow the deceased, on a grand scale, to communicate with their loved ones. Unfortunately, something they didn’t plan for happened: all those ghosts wanting to communicate with their loved ones are technically soulless (hence the title) and therefore cannot control their rampant urges and the mediums, along with the two news hosts, are locked together (hand to hand) and no one can seem to wake them up or pry them apart.

Dead bodies are now animated by spirits (which are different from souls, by the way) all over the Northeast and it’s spreading fast. There’s chaos and carnage and people are panicking left and right. There’s all kinds of zombie goodness going on while the people trapped inside the news studio try to figure out how to separate the three mediums, and the two poor news hosts, and praying that doing so will fix everything. Exciting stuff I tell ya.

Now, why is it not as engrossing? There’s some character development going on admist the zombie uprising and some of it just seems wildly unnecessary and only serves to quell the awesomeness of people getting their cheeks eaten off and whatnot. But, it’s not enough to get me to set aside the read because sure enough, when I’m ready to throw in the towel, another zombie comes out of nowhere and I’m giddy with fear again.

On an almost related note, I just had a glance outside and at this time of the morning, it seems much darker than I’d expect it. I’m not scared or anything, but I was hearing a couple strange noises coming from the back patio and erm…uh…yeah.

Comments on 24 Hr Read-a-Thon: Update #3

  1. # Marg wrote on October 25, 2009 at 6:34 am:

    Possibly being really tired doesn’t help when it comes to noises etc! So close to the end! Keep going!
    .-= Marg´s last blog ..Read-a-thon music =-.

  2. # Sunday Salon: Week End Round-up - Today, I Read… wrote on November 24, 2009 at 11:43 am:

    [...] got from the book. Plus, it had an original premise in how the zombie apocalypse started. There are some book notes up (and a Sunday Sketch depicting a scene), but like the others, this deserves its own full [...]

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