Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

October 25

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24 Hr Read-a-Thon: Update #2

by Ann-Katrina

Dawn by Kevin Brooks Well, I’ve just finished reading Dawn by Kevin Brooks and I’m a bit numb right now. Figuratively and literally (my butt).

The story, for lack of a better cliche, was intense, and not entirely what I expected.

Sure, I expected some twisted bits (the allusion to something happening to her while quietly laying in bed one December night is like a flashing neon sign), but I never expected it to be that twisted and a bit heart-wrenching.

I swear I felt a tear pricking at my eye and trust me, it was not a moment when I should have been crying and certainly not for the person I nearly cried for.

Ultimately, this is a heavy novel, but much of it is written with a light touch. There are passages that had me cackling and packages that had me shaking my head with consternation.

And since Dawn likes to make lists, allow me to make a list of just a few of them:

  • Dawn makes it her mission to kill God. (Although he doesn’t exist.)
  • Painted snails. Yes, really. Painted snails.
  • “Jesus licks his arse.” (Since I know your eyes may be bugging out, let me say that Jesus is the name of her dog. She also has another named Mary.)
  • Born-again alcoholic.

I’m still trying to let the story digest for a bit before I come out with a full review. One thing is for certain though, it certainly had me glued to the pages.

In the meantime, I’ll be taking a fifteen minute break to grab some caffeine, make the rounds to see how everyone else is doing, and then start on Soulless by Christopher Golden.

Comments on 24 Hr Read-a-Thon: Update #2

  1. # Julie wrote on October 25, 2009 at 1:16 am:

    I love the way your blog looks, btw. I’m here to offer encouragement through the midnight hour of your reading. I hope some caffeine helps! :)
    Thinking happy reading thoughts for you!
    .-= Julie ´s last blog ..Readathon Cheering: Give Me a B – O – O – K! =-.

  2. # Marg wrote on October 25, 2009 at 1:17 am:

    You’ve done well to get a review written during readathon! Well done!

  3. # Aarti wrote on October 25, 2009 at 3:01 am:

    I really like the way you set up your blog, like looseleaf paper. Very clever and cute :-)

    Good luck with the rest of the readathon!
    .-= Aarti´s last blog ..Nymeth’s Mini-Challenge =-.

  4. # Trisha wrote on October 25, 2009 at 3:06 am:

    I hope you are still enjoying your books! Happy Reading!
    .-= Trisha´s last blog ..Read-a-thon Hours 16 & 17 =-.

  5. # Nicole wrote on October 25, 2009 at 3:08 am:

    Great job! Keep it up, when in the home stretch!
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Feed Me Seymour! A Read-A-Thon Mini Challenge =-.

  6. # ccqdesigns wrote on October 25, 2009 at 3:39 am:

    Now that it’s past midnight and our eyes are drooping lower, it’s time for us night owls to get our second wind! So here is a big HOOT from Alabama. Keep on Reading!!!! Just a few more hours to go!!!!

    Go Reading,Go Reading,Go Reading!!!
    the Transcendentalists team!

  7. # Shanra wrote on October 25, 2009 at 4:32 am:

    I bow to your ability to read AND leave reviews behind. O_O *applauds and then waves pompoms* You can do iiiiiiiiiit!
    .-= Shanra´s last blog ..Hour 21 =-.

  8. # Lenore wrote on October 25, 2009 at 4:39 am:

    Glad your book kept your attention. Keep up the great reading!
    .-= Lenore´s last blog ..Read-a-thon Progress – 250 comments left so far! =-.

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