Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

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August 22

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[TSS] Kindle for PC and iPhone and eReading

by Ann-Katrina

Amazon KindleThe updates have been scarce recently because I’ve been busy. But I’ve been reading…and reading in a new way: Kindle for PC.

So, I downloaded it a few months ago but never really used it. I mean, reading from the laptop just isn’t ideal. Then I downloaded the Kindle for iPhone and then downloaded a few free books from the Kindle store.

Then one day I’d forgotten my paperback books and was stuck in a waiting room when I remembered that I had the Kindle on my iPhone, so I pulled it out, loaded a book and started reading. It was surprisingly comfortable.

When I was about halfway through the book, I decided I wanted to continue and fired up the Netbook. When I figured out how to change the background color from white to pale yellow, we were in business.

One thing I noticed, however, was that it took me longer to finish the book than if I’d read it in dead tree form. It wasn’t horrible, but I did put the book “down” more often and forgot about it for longer periods of time.

But at any rate I did enjoy reading the eBook more than I anticipated and while I can’t say I’m an eBook convert, I can say that I’m likely to read more short eBooks. In the future I’ll probably wind up with a dedicated eReader (or an iPad…but the eInk displays sound more comfortable on the eyes).

The Man Who Was ThursdayRight now, I’ve started reading The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton. Since I’m only a few pages in, I haven’t formed a solid opinion of the story, but have formed a solid opinion about Chesterton’s writing: That man has a wonderful way with words. It’s playful and adept.

I’m curious now how many out there have a Kindle or other eReading device and how they like it.

Do you use the Kindle or Kindle for PC or iPhone (or any other iteration of the Kindle software) and what has been your experience with it? What about another eReading device?

Now’s your chance to convince an eReading novice to pull the switch.

Comments on [TSS] Kindle for PC and iPhone and eReading

  1. # Laurel-Rain Snow wrote on August 22, 2010 at 4:36 pm:

    I haven’t bought one yet…a part of me is resisting it. I can see having one, like you say, for the occasional “short” reads.

    But I still love the physicality of books. I love being surrounded by bookshelves. I have them in every room.
    .-= Laurel-Rain Snow´s last blog ..THE SUNDAY SALON — AUGUST 22 =-.

  2. # Ann-Kat wrote on August 22, 2010 at 6:29 pm:

    I’m with you, Laurel. I certainly prefer the physicality of books, but then I come across a book that’s only mediocre (or downright bad) and wish I’d read it as an eBook so I wouldn’t have to find something to do with it (since I’ll most likely not want to keep it).

  3. # Marie wrote on August 24, 2010 at 11:31 pm:

    I admit it, I drank the Kool-Aid and got myself an iPad. Say what you will about it, but I absolutely adore the thing. The user interface is incredibly accessible, easy page turns, backlit screen, etc—great for one-handed midnight book binges (thanks to baby feeding schedule). There’s thousands upon thousands of free books to download (mostly classics, but some contemporary) and yes, it certainly clears up bookshelf space for all those “meh” books that you certainly won’t read again. I still buy physical books, but I do love reading on the iPad. Anyways…just my two cents. :)

  4. # Fines, Kindles & Puppies Oh My — Everything Books! wrote on August 28, 2010 at 5:44 pm:

    [...] having all these jumbled thoughts I happened to read a post by my good friend Ann-Kat about trying Kindle for PC so I think I might start there for [...]

  5. # Belle wrote on August 30, 2010 at 6:08 pm:

    I’ve really fallen in love with reading on my iPhone. The iPad has been postponed until Christmas, so I ended up with the Kobo eReader. I do enjoy it, but I still prefer reading on my iPhone. I’m not so sure about reading on the PC – I never did it with the Sony PC ereading software, and I doubt I will with the Kindle (plus, I’m sure Amazon probably still will charge me the additional $2 for using my own Wifi!).
    .-= Belle´s last blog ..Kobo eReader- and What I’ve Been eReading =-.

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