Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

May 23

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[TSS]: State of the TBR Pile

by Ann-Katrina

Since I needed to take a week off reading, I’ve fallen behind on my reading schedule. I did manage to wake up this morning and read The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott.

The Unwritten Rule It’s a relatively quick read and a touching story, if a bit angst-y for my tastes. Sarah has a crush on Ryan. Problem is, Ryan is dating Brianna, Sarah’s best friend. But eventually Sarah learns that Ryan has feelings for her too. What ensues is a lot of self-doubt, guilt, and general emotional messiness.

As the story progressed, I found myself realizing that Brianna was the true star of the book although it was narrated by Sarah and essentially was about the relationship between Sarah and Ryan. I hope to have the full review written and posted inside this week.

Books next in the TBR queue include:

StolenRumor Has ItShadeClaire de LuneThe Deadly SisterSilent Scream

Stolen by Lucy Christopher: Yes, I’m still trying to slog my way through that one. From everything I’ve heard, there is a pay-off…it’s just a matter of making it that far. Right now, I’m up to page 89 (just shy of the halfway mark) and the pace is still rather slow, but I’m crossing my fingers and hoping it picks up soon.

Rumor Has It by Jill Mansell: While this book is also a slower read, I find that the pacing is appropriate for the unfolding story (or, rather, stories). I’m about halfway through and it’s just starting to pick up, but the Anglicisms are still throwing me for a loop.

Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready, Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson, The Deadly Sister by Eliot Schrefer, and Silent Scream by Karen Rose.

The rest of this very clear and sunny day will be spent catching up on housework and if there’s time, curling up with a good book and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream. (Wish me luck because I’m really looking forward to that ice cream.)

Comments on [TSS]: State of the TBR Pile

  1. # Debnance wrote on May 23, 2010 at 6:03 pm:

    I’m spending this beautiful day outdoors…reading and blogging.

  2. # Ann-Kat wrote on May 23, 2010 at 10:11 pm:

    I hope you had a wonderful day out of doors Debbie. It truly was one that should go down in the record books for beautiful (at least in my neck of the woods)!

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