Book Reviews by Today, I Read…

A Continuous Book Review and Vocabulary Assignment

February 7

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Sunday Sketch 1.1: Daphne

by Ann-Katrina

One of my favorite of the Greek myths is the story of Apollo and Daphne and having just re-acquainted myself with it, I thought it was only fitting it should be the subject of my Sunday Sketch.

Before Daphne is turned into a laurel, Apollo pursues her. His heart is consumed with love and her heart is consumed with fear of love itself.

Daphne Fleeing Apollo

“More would he say; but lo, the timid maid/ Fled from his side and left the words unsaid/ Yet even then she seemed surpassing fair/ As the soft breeze showed all her body bare,/ With garments fluttering in the wanton wind,/ Her hair unbound and streaming loose behind.” (pg. 5 Metamorphoses Selected Stories in Verse)

Comments on Sunday Sketch 1.1: Daphne

  1. # Belle wrote on February 8, 2010 at 1:42 am:


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