It’s Thursday and you know what that means…another edition of Booking Through Thursday is here.
This week’s question is: What’s the best book you’ve read recently? (Tell me you didn’t see this one coming?)
This was a tough decision to make. I’ve read some mediocre books of late, but I’ve read some great ones too and I was having a difficult time choosing between them.
But the winner by a few points is The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. (Coming in a close second is Generation Dead by Daniel Waters.)
I adored reading The Lightning Thief and its characters and adventuring with Percy. When I finished the book, I was breathless and in a mild state of awe wondering why I had waited so long to start this series. (It’s kind of like Harry Potter in that sense…you’re beating yourself up for being literarily lazy.)
The review is in the queue. Shame on me for still being lazy.
# Robin of My Two Blessing wrote on August 20, 2009 at 9:26 pm:
I enjoyed “The Lightning Thief” as well. Eventually I’ll get to the rest of the series.
.-= Robin of My Two Blessing´s last blog ..Booking through Thursday – Recent Best =-.
# Kilina wrote on August 20, 2009 at 11:12 pm:
I’ve seen this one around, I need to stop being lazy too and pick it up. I love books I think one day I can read with my kids and enjoy.
.-= Kilina´s last blog ..Book Releases August 18, 2009 =-.
# Belle wrote on August 21, 2009 at 12:45 am:
I have this one in my TBR! I think now I should get to it!
.-= Belle´s last blog ..Fantasy Road Trip: Libba Bray’s Gemma Doyle Trilogy =-.
# Ann-Kat wrote on August 22, 2009 at 5:36 pm:
@Robin: After I finished reading it, I was sorta bummed that I didn’t have the second book so I could just jump right in. But on the flip side, I’m glad I’ll have a little breathing room between the series.
@Kilina: Definitely. It’s one of those books that you can look at over and over again, telling yourself to pick it up and read it, but for whatever reason, it never happens. Then once you finally do, you wonder why you waited so long. There’s plenty of action and fun and educational material–I definitely think this is a title kids could fall in love with.
@Belle: Welcome back!! And happy belated birthday.
Definitely you should grab this book. It’s a fun read and I definitely think you’d enjoy it.